Friday 25 June 2010

Two good things

One of the challenges of working here is that reluctance of some Guyanese to share skills. Even though a local person is running training they are unlikely to want a trainee to get really good at things in case their position is usurped. They are even more reluctant to allow an outsider like me to come anywhere near in case that becomes uncomfortable for them. But things this week have resolved a bit in that it seems there is a need for training in JAWS (speech software) and there are people (including some users who are blind) who could do the training. So even though I'll no longer be here, one of my achievements could be to get this moving.
Another good thing is that the Disability Act has finally finally been ratified by the President. So there may be a bit more action now. On our blackboard at work I have written my motto (I can't remember where it came from) : To be truly radical we need to make hope possible and not despair convincing.

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