Friday 30 October 2009

Botanical Gardens

This is the biggest and most interesting tree in the Botanical Gardens. It has loads of epiphyte plants growing on the branches. I often walk in the Botanical Gardens early in the morning which is the best time for spotting birds. I've seen macaws, toucans, jacanas which walk on water lily leaves, humming birds, woodpeckers, kites, shrikes of various types. I saw a cayman last week (a foot long crocodile). I go armed with binoculars and an umbrella (for the sun and to feel brave). The style of the gardens is decaying colonial. Families go there on a Sunday afternoon. The gardens are not that big, but you can walk through and then up the street to the sea wall and walk along to see what fish people are catching on the foreshore. I saw frigate birds with the big red pouches last week there. On the shore I've also been collecting shells, pebbles, sticks etc for using for maths games for the visually impaired pupils.

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