Monday 4 January 2010

New Year

Happy New Year to blog readers all.
Fantastic fireworks on Old Year's Night - the best fireworks I have ever seen. The army were setting them off. Is that good use of resources in a developing country? Well I'd say not really, but other people say that giving that boost to uplift people's spirits at the start of a new decade is worth it. Apparently last year there were meant to be fireworks, but they did not happen.
Had a lovely weekend break in Bartica, staying over with some other VSO vols. It is down the Essequibo River, so involved speedboat rides, which was great on the way down, but a bit overexciting on the way back as the boat engine was having problems. We got grounded on a beach while it was fixed. Fortunately once we did get going the engine kept going, and it did not go dark on us.
One of the VSO friends is working on getting computers into schools in remote areas by using solar power - and pretty successfully too. The other vol is working in a Learning Resource Centre, which was already set up, but she has improved and developed the work with teachers and classes. It was the best place I have been in while I've been in Guyana, and is acting as a model for a resource centre in each region, with some aid funding. The problem is always having someone to run it who can keep control of the resources as well as using it to run activities to improve the teaching and learning.
We walked to a monastery where there was mass in a little room overlooking the river. An idyllic setting. After the mass we walked with some people who attended down to their little golden beach on the river bank. Another idyllic place where we had a swim alongside some local children. Places like this are not public places, so if you go there you are walking over someone's space. You have to have long chats with the owners/occupiers to make sure they are OK about you going on their beach. They may well feel threatened, and as there are so many cows (with horns) and dogs galore, it is not very comfortable if you don't feel welcome somewhere. I took some photos, so next time I get some loaded I hope to include them on the blog.
Back to work today, the schools are back so I should be able to get moving on my various projects. We are being interviewed for the newspaper and radio on Wednesday.


  1. The use of military resources for recreational purposes is an interesting debate. There is, I think, a close connection between "explosives" and "fireworks" which could be a useful and meaningful learning experience for those designing a firework display. (This is from someone brought up with Army organised firework displays).

  2. Let's hope the military can stick to fireworks! I think one of the greatest tributes to Chinese civilization is that all they did with gunpowder is make fireworks.
