Monday, 11 January 2010

Quiet Weekend

Had a peaceful weekend.
I have been doing my new hobby. I have borrowed a book from a friend which is called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It is about how practising drawing exercises can increase awareness of switching from the left (verbal) side of the brain to the right (visual) side. I have been doing some of the exercises, which include copying drawings upside down (which pushes you into drawing what is actually there rather than what you think is there). Also drawing things when you are only allowed to look at the object, not the drawing. And the latest is about drawing the negative spaces around the object, not the object itself. Again this is so that you are concentrated on the shapes and spaces you are seeing, and not drawing from your idea of what the object should look like.
Had a party with choir on Saturday night, which was a big sit down meal, and afterwards some dancing. I did a couple of dances which went down quite well, and they did some group dances, one of which is called que que, which they do at weddings. It involves making up verses about people who are present and calling back the lines. I'm hoping to get someone to explain it so I can understand how it works. Last night I had a good bridge evening with VSO pals and cooked them a meal.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to hearing more about your brain training.
