Monday 19 April 2010


The concert went well last night - much to my relief. It is the first time we have managed to get the last song right! The concert was started with a steel band playing the hallelujia chorus, which is pretty amazing. I never knew you could play really serious music with steel pans. I think the secret to the concert working was having all the amplification and speakers set up properly so we could hear the accompaniment better. The church was packed out including a few of my friends, so that was good. Some of us went for a pizza afterwards - the first time I've been to that sort of place while in Guyana. It was just like pizza hut, but called mario's.
So this week there is no choir, I've got a few spare slots to have some other jollies - bridge with my american embassy friend tomorrow Tuesday (who does the great snacks) then there is a violin concert at a cafe on Thursday.
At work I'm starting doing support slots at special schools, I did one today where there were loads of teachers, but not many questions. I think I'd be better doing it informally, so I'll go for that next time. Apparently we may hear about whether we can get the UNICEF funding by Thursday, then it will be really full steam ahead...

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