Thursday 1 April 2010

Last day at the lodge

This morning we were meant to be getting a trip in a dugout canoe on the river, but it did not happen as the man´s cousin had borrowed the boat. It was explained that this is all part of the Guyanese culture, as things are often owned in common. We ended up walking along to a more habited place in the rain, then watching some people who were making and firing bricks. The river bank was a good place for watching the birds and the comings and goings of river folk. We were hoping to be able to see monkeys, caymans and giant river otters on this trip, so it was bit of a disappointment.
This afternoon we climbed a quite big hill behind the lodge. At the top were huge boulders, granite?, so we had a good vantage point for looking out over the savannah. The immediate thing that you notice is that the land is not fenced, there are just patches where villages have planted trees and set out houses. The ground here is very poor, white sand and scrubby grass.
Then we had a swim in the pool and yet another scrummy meal. It will be a bit hard getting back to normal tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's some holiday you got yourself there! Pity you didn't get to demonstrate your canoeing skills, though. I'm having a very tame Easter. I was going to say "in comparison" - but actually it's a very tame Easter without any comparison.
