Tuesday 6 July 2010

Caricom Day

Yesterday was yet another public holiday - Caricom Day. Guyana is part of the Caribbean first and foremost. Guyanese medics train in Cuba. Many Guyanese work in Trinidad as they can earn so much more. We also hear about links and agreements with many other countries, still the UK, but increasingly Canada. Large numbers of better qualified Guyanese are accepted for immigation to Canada, mainly in Toronto. The top schools are well supported by alumni organisations there. There are also doctors here from China who run the new hospital at Linden, and we read about aid and agreements with China to improve drainage and sea defences. But everyday the overwhelming influnence is from the US: the TV, the huge 4x4 vehicles which are so unsuitable for the small side roads here, the fast food outlets including a drive thru Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I'm getting a bit nostalgic about Guyana now we are closer to leaving. I've been cleaning up the flat and finding ways to answer the big question ... "So how do like our beautiful country?". I'm writing a poem about how it has taken me 11 months to answer it. The poem will be coming to this page soon!

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