Thursday 1 July 2010

Looking forward to leaving...

Two of my good friends are leaving this week. Yesterday one of them had a low key party, and was then going to start packing before getting a taxi at 8 am this morning. I think I will get my packing done a bit earlier than that! Another is leaving on Saturday. We are two weeks from leaving so there are various leaving things coming up. My downstairs friend is taking a few of us out to dinner at a posh place because I have cooked her lots of dinners, she is also leaving on the 17 July, but is coming back at the end of August. My landlady is going to do a leisurely outdoor afternoon event for us, with caterers doing the food. A local friend is organising a day trip on another day, so all in all things are hotting up.
At work I am getting the filing of paperwork sorted, then I will sort out the computer files. I'm still glad to be visiting schools to support ten staff doing the visual impairment module. One teacher finished her assignment today. For her tactile diagram she made a diagram of a big fish with real fish scales stuck on. The scales were from a massive fish, they were an inch across! If I have any time left over I will spend it doing a bit more work on my Maths Tactile Manual.

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