Tuesday 25 August 2009

Moved in and half a day at work

I have moved into my house. It is fine, our landlady is a lovely old lady from Trinidad who made us welcome and showed us everything. So I felt at home enough to sleep well which is the main thing. We are in an upstairs flat which has a big lounge area with a TV, a balcony leading off, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, so that is pretty cool. It is literally cool as well as we have ventilation from all sides so there was a good breeze in the night, so I did not have to keep the fan on, so that is quieter. I have lots of sorting out to do later today.
There are three of us working at NCERD which is the National Centre for Educational Resource Development. We went in this morning to have a meeting with the Principal and some key staff. It was good to meet people and find our way around. I found out a bit more about what I will be doing:
Upgrade competence of teachers in Special Schools
Raise awareness of special needs throughout the country
Work with Ministry of Health about screening
Liaise with the National Commission for Disability
Carry on with the work of the last volunteer who left 6 months ago.
Produce learning materials
Talk on radio and use publications to promote our work
Travel around to do needs assessments
Assist with maths and science phobics!
That should keep me busy....

1 comment:

  1. It's all sounding pretty good - hope the flat continues cool.
