Monday 3 August 2009

Week to go!

One week to go and things are getting sorted at last. I've got the main bags packed and weighed, and just the last minute shopping to do now. I fly out to Guyana on Thursday 13 August, and then have 10 days of orientation in country before starting work.
Those of you who are successfully reading this - do you have any hints about how to get into this blog? - then I'll pass them on to people who can't!


  1. Hi Kate, Chris here..Got your email and I just clicked on kateinguyana and your blog came up..Eureka !!! Have saved it "I think" , so will hopefully now be able to keep in touch.

  2. No problem getting in, so don't see why anyone should have a problem unless they have accidentally missed out a letter in the address(as I did first time round!)
    Sorry I was rude enough to say goodbye while on my mobile at Janet's. Have a safe trip and ENJOY YOURSELF!

  3. Hi Kate
    Sorry not to send you a bon voyage e.mail, we have been away. Hope you arrived safe and sound. Will be sure to keep posted with news of your adventures. Best of luck and much love, Cathy T.

  4. Hello Kate, sorry your seawall pic. didn't travel well !! Better luck next time. I expect it is time for you to get down to the "real work" now that you are aclimatised. Look forward to hearing all about it. We are off to Portsmouth for a week on Saturday 29th. but will be in touch on our return. As always, take care...C & C

  5. Wow Kate, certainly sounds as though you are busy, what with swimming, choirs and now dancing. It's so interesting reading your blog and it sounds like work is going to be quite a challenge, if anyone can get things started it's you !! We look forward to "what Kate did next". Take care.....Chris & Chris

  6. Chris wants to know if you have actually started work yet Kate, or are you still just sussing things out ? Can't say I liked the sound of the armed police when you were on the river, very scary. Just found out that there is an international cricket ground there, you can practice your fast bowling !!! Take care Love C & C
