Monday, 31 May 2010

Culture, theft, bikes and training

On Friday I went to a Hindu cultural evening which included a fantastic drumming group, musicians and dancing. I went with the new VSO who originates from Northern India, so she was able to explain what it was all about, as it was all in Hindi language.
During Friday night my downstairs neighbour had her laptop stolen - hooked out of the window by loosening the metal grill and passing it between the grill and the woodwork. She was out at the time. It is always upsetting when these things happen, but she does not follow security advice that we are given. She leaves her computer stuff on a table in full view right next to the downstairs window. Laptops are a major target - which is mainly why I don't have one, and rely on computers at work.
Sunday I attempted to teach the new VSO how to ride a bike - which she had never tried before. She managed pretty well, and got as far as scooting, balancing and starting with one foot on the pedal. Not quite got to the two pedal stage yet. I'm really glad to have had the bike because it gets you places quickly so I don't get so hot and sticky, also it makes it much easier to get around independently at night.
This week at work I'll be agreeing the plan for the next lot of training days which are in week beginning 14 June. I'm also going round the special schools giving support on Assignment 2, which is to do a case study on a child, plan how to adapt teaching for them, then try it out.
On Thursday this week we are off on our trip up river to Mabaruma, so I'll be out of email contact until Monday.

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