Monday 24 May 2010

New volunteers and getting used to change

We have three new volunteers which makes some new opportunities to meet up. We had a social on Friday evening at the rooftop bar. It actually poured with rain, so we had to be indoors, but it was still good to meet them as well as catching up with the other volunteers. There are not many now who have been here longer than we have, we are becoming the old hands. I was talking to a friend last night who started in November, and she is just feeling more settled. I reckon that it takes six months, that is about the time that I felt I lived here. Another volunteer was talking about the feeling that VSO is cutting a chunk out of your life, and that feeling lasts for quite a while, but then that changes into feeling that this is your life. I suppose it is all about acceptance of change. We had loads of training about that before we came out here, but it is a lot different when you are inside it.
Went to a dance performance on Saturday night, which was everything from five year olds to adults, and everything from ballet to break dancing, but it was a good varied evening with some good music. On Friday this week there is a Hindu event there, and one of the new volunteers (who is a sikh from Glasgow) will come with us - so we'll get a bit of interpretation hopefully.

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