Monday, 17 May 2010

Training and potluck

Last week was so busy that I did not get to do my second blog entry of the week. We ran training on Monday Wednesday and Friday. I was leading the days, although managing not to do too many sessions myself - but it is still quite a strain to hold it all together. Anyway it went well. We had more teachers attending on each day through the week, so the Monday lot can't have thought it was too bad! I got loads of assignments in, and spent Saturday marking them all (I'll take a day off sometime in lieu). This week I'lll be chasing up the missing one by the deadline on Friday. One of my main aims was to facilitate the teachers to share good practice. We gave up calling it that after Monday, and called it shopping instead. So half the group were vendors, and half shoppers. The vendors set up shop to talk to the shoppers about the activity they did for their assignment, and the shoppers paid by giving positive comments and asking questions. Then we swopped around in the afternoon. Teachers here don't like sharing ideas, so it was an achievement to get it to work.
There was a film festival last week showing European films for free so I enjoyed going to some of them.
The weekend was busy, with England winning the twenty 20 cricket, and I ran the potluck supper for the new VSO volunteers to meet the others last night, which went well.
Next excitement is that we are planning a trip to Mabaruma which is a great nature place up the coast, with a massive speedboat trip up a small river, and a flight back. Should be fun!

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