Monday 9 November 2009

Beautiful Guyana?

People I meet tend to ask, "How do you like our beautiful country?" Up to now that has been a pretty difficult question to answer, without seeming rude. It is hard to see the beauty when there are lots of stuff that is quite shocking and depressing. But this week I managed to say how much I like it - getting into the half full attitude instead of half empty - it's easy to get around, the birds flowers and butterflies are amazing, the people are incredibly helpful and kind, you have a hundred fruit and vegetables to choose from, and having a cool swimming pool does help. I feel like I live here rather than having landed off another planet. As for the down side, it is a question of being able to maintain the positive yourself, so you don't fall into the pit. That is the challenge every day. What we have to offer is to give an example of positive, respectful and efficient ways of working - get rid of the blame culture.

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