Wednesday 18 November 2009

Better news

Had a great experience yesterday - there was a session for parents at the unit for the blind where I was able to meet the local person who is the main trainer for teachers of the blind. I also met someone from Jamaica who is helping to make the University of Guyana more equipped to deal with learners with visual impairment. Also there were inspirational talks from various local people. So there is some will power for change. The local person has had some bad experiences with VSOs in the past. I think my approach of supporting at the grass roots level is appreciated. At least it gives the message that VSOs want to empower local people rather than pontificating.
I have got a week fixed up at the other unit for the blind which is in the interior in Linden. I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully I will be able to stay with a local family rather than a guest house, so it will help me get to know local people more.
The next couple of days will be a VSO forum - so everyone is coming in from the regions - they feel like old friends even after just 3 months in country. So it's a chance to catch up and reflect on what has been happening. Time to sit back and enjoy. I am hosting a bring and share supper tonight so the gossip will start then...

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