Monday, 16 November 2009

Stilt Walker + work + chat

Following on from the last picture, this is the stilt walker who led the Mash parade. He took one stilt off and whirled it round his head, strapped it back on his leg, then continued along the road.
I was a bit disappointed on Friday to find that I need to have two weeks down time with the demonstration sessions I have been doing with the pupils in the unit for the blind. The mainstream school does tests, so the support staff are busy supporting the kids to get them done. I was enjoying having the daily challenge of thinking up some practical activities for them, and it was very motivating to have the contact with real kids. Hopefully I can restart for the last week or so of term. Then next term my plan is to work to support the staff to do the sessions themselves, firstly trying out the materials and activities that I have prepared, then I hope to be able to motivate them to invent their own activities. In the meantime I am hoping to be able to start talking to the staff in the mainstream primary and secondary school who have the blind pupils included their sessions. I need to find out what the issues are, and then think how I can try to move things forward in a sustainable way.
Had a good weekend, yesterday I enjoyed a walk with a new volunteer who is a member of ramblers back in the UK. Thursday and Friday this week we have our Volunteer Forum where all the VSOs meet up and have two discussion days. I am really looking forward to that.

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