Friday, 20 November 2009

VSO Forum

I am on the annual VSO Forum. There are 47 VSOs plus staff. We are staying at a pretty wacky guest house on the north side of the Demarara river. The proprietor was living in the US for 20 years, and got homesick. So he collected anything he could from Guyana on various visits. So then when he came back he had to build his house bigger just to house all the junk. The place is packed with old furniture, maps, bottles, books, pots, documents, household objects. It is a bit spooky to be constantly surrounded by it all. It is a very common thing for Guyanese to be returning from overseas, over half of Guyanese live overseas.
This VSO Forum is a chance to do a lot of networking, to see how we can work together between the different programme areas: education, disability, secure livelihoods. It is also a chance to hear the inside story of how other vols are getting on in their placements. Many people have similar stories about how the written objectives look impressive, but in fact the best way to get started is on a much more basic level. I'm going to try to do more work in partnership with the disability vols.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as though things are looking up. Long may that continue. No doubt about it - it's a tough row to hoe.
