Wednesday 10 February 2010

Lots going on

Today is looking busy - I'm seeing a couple of teachers at the unit for the blind, then going to meet someone from the University of Guyana. I'm hoping to be able to do some sensitisation about disability and blindness to their maths students and staff. So that may be a bit of a challenge, but nearer to my core skills for a change! I've done the second draft of the module for the SEN course, so that is going to two colleagues for them to do their bit. Tomorrow and Friday I'm up country in Linden, no internet there.
Next week (Wed, Thu) I've been asked to go to the interior (flying) to do some input on SEN to literacy educators. I am adapting stuff from the course to suit what they are doing, plus some extra things about teaching adults and about Numeracy. I have to edit down the handouts. It may however not be happening as there is uncertainty about the finance for it.
Sunday I'm pff to a nature resort for the day. It's a treat for my friends birthday. There are walks in the jungle, canoeing, mountain biking, visit to amerindian village, and wildlife spotting. PHEW!

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