Monday 8 February 2010


I had a lovely weekend away staying at the monastery. It is a benedictine monastery with three monks - you are sharing their space, eating meals with them and attending the myriad services if you wish. One monk plays/improvises very enlivening music for the services, the garden is interesting with orange trees, paw paw, there is a fantastic view out over the river and the odd toucan hopping around the trees. Plus the golden sandy beach on the riverside for a swim. Idyllic!
Back to work today, I've been teaching some maths to a teacher, along with how to do practical work for it, and how to do it in Braille. I'm going up country on Thursday to Friday this week, to work with the staff at the other unit for the blind. I enjoy that as it seems pretty clear what you are trying to do. They did set themselves a target to do some Jaws (computer speech program) with the children every day, so let's hope they have actually done something...

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