Monday, 15 February 2010

Nature Resort trip

Had a lovely day out yesterday at a nature resort. It is a tourist trip, so you get to ride in a comfy coach, then it's speedboat up the Demarara river, then up a side creek, which was the size of the River Lugg. You think that you're going to spot lots of wildlife, but in fact it's not quite like the nature programmes on the telly. We visited an Amerindian village, then did walking through the forest where I spotted a big electric blue butterfly, then kayaking back, then lunch then mountain biking then swimming in the creek... you know I like being busy.
This week there has been a bit of a freeze on spending, so I'm not going off to the interior, but that is quite a relief - I would have been running around producing the handouts and preparing sessions.
On Friday I had a long chat to another vol who may take over the main thinking about this SEN course, as he would be able to continue with it next year. That also would be a big relief - I could do more of the administration and support. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
This week is the build up to Mashramani (carnival) so when it all hots up there will be extreme street parades with steel bands, extreme costumes and lots of wild behaviour. We also get a day's public holiday on the 23 Feb for it. It is a general festival celebrating Guyana as a nation, so that is more of a uniting factor- most of the other festivals are one religion or another.

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