Wednesday 17 March 2010

Donkey Cart

These carts are used for general deliveries of timber etc or for picking up grass cut from the verges. The horses are quite thin, and are often left to stand for long periods in the heat. But there is plenty of grass for them on the verges when it has rained. On the back of the carts they often have a verse from the Bible, including the reference.
You can see in the background the contrast between the old house made of wood and the new house made of concrete. But you can't assume that the old house looks scruffy inside. There are huge contrasts everywhere - for instance opposite where I work there is an old man who sleeps rough, boiling up a pot of water over a fire, right in front of a massive new bank building, which looks a bit like a temple. They were watering the new grass inside yesterday, while we are in the middle of water rationing because of the failure of the rains.

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