Tuesday 9 March 2010

Picture - Mash parade

Trying to put on some pictures again. This is one of the children's groups on the Mashramani parade. You can see loads of Guyana flags, and this group looked like they were enjoying themselves, so deserved a picture!

Otherwise everything is going well at the moment. I'm hoping to get my course arrangements signed off today. If that goes OK then I can send out all the letters and start getting teachers signed up.

We're also planning an Easter trip to Lethem in the interior, with a stay at an eco resort on the way. Then over the Easter weekend there's a rodeo which is a big crowd puller - it may be a bit loud, but worth it for the experience. We hope to stay over with a couple of other vols, then do a day trip to Brazil (well just the nearest bit of Brazil!). This is my first bit of time off. Most of my leave will be at the end of my placement - I'm hoping to leave here shortly after July 16, then have a week in the Caribbean before coming home.

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