Friday 5 March 2010

Things are generally going well with me, I'm looking forward to a quieter weekend following all the festivals and events last week. I'm hoping to get a bit of a break over Easter, possibly travelling to Lethem in the interior where there is a rodeo, and maybe going over into Brazil. Plans are also afoot to go to the Caribbean on the way home in late July, so that sounds exciting.

I was saying last time that I needed to get the SEN Course approved, but it turns out that it does not need to go to any committee to be approved, just by the Director and that is done. We had a session with someone from the Monitoring and Evaluation section who was talking about how to match up our projects to UNICEF targets so it is easier to get the finance. So I'm doing that today. As I'm writing the course at the request of the minister, I am hoping that the finance will not be a problem, but we will see. Meanwhile I am going to write the half module on visual impairment, which will keep me happy for a while. I'm also trying to negotiate who will hold the course when I'm not here, who will write the modules for next term, and who will edit them.

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