Sunday 28 March 2010

Off on the trip tonight

Tonight I'll be on the overnight bus towards Lethem. It takes about 10 to 12 hours, partly on tarmac road, then on a dirt road. They wake you up every few hours and get you off the bus for security checks. So that all sounds pretty dire. We are staying three nights at Rockview Lodge which is an eco-lodge in the centre of Guyana, among mountains and good wildlife spotting country hopefully. There are various trips included in the package.
Then on to Lethem for three nights for the rodeo, which is literally a cowboy weekend. The first event is Friday night when there is a rowdy karioke night at the hotel. Apparently last year an american guy won it, and the local people were a bit angry about that and so it all got a bit out of hand. Let's hope the locals are better at singing this year!
Hope to get some good photos, and give you the lowdown next week.

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