Monday 15 March 2010

Thoughts on a Sunday afternoon

Quiet weekend - it has been a bit cooler which is a blessing - more breeze. I tried out my flatmate's hammock as she is away and decided to rig one up on my balcomy, which works pretty well.
Wildlife in the house: blue and green lizards about 5 inches long - they are rather cute. We have the occasional cockroach - you don't stamp on them because then they release their eggs. You try to catch them with a glass and a bit of card, and chuck them out of the window. Yesterday I heard birdsong very loudly - like a blackbird, and there was a grey version sitting high up in the kitchen. All the windows and doors are open (with security grills) so they can get out easily. We also often have small bats diving around at dusk. Wild ants will come if you leave the smallest crumb on the worksurface - they are very small and get into anything, so you have to keep things shut tightly.

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